Friday, July 8, 2011

Wain River Protection Forest

Wain River Protection Forest is a protected forest with an area of ​​10,025 ha through which the river Wain 18 300 m long and with a clear watery mangrove forests either side. Water from this river used as a source of clean water for Housing and Pertamina Oil Refinery in the city of Balikpapan. There is a water storage reservoir located within the protected forest area also Pertamina, so only visitors with special permission can enter Pertamina is considering the vital national assets, at least this data yesterday when I could visit the protected forest on January 10, 2010. I was not allowed entry by the officer for that reason.
In addition to the reasons some forest areas are also included in the area of ​​Pertamina, the forests are more used as a conservation area is not for tourism purposes. Tourist destination is only for special tours and permission must be prepared first in his office at KM 24 (if not mistaken). Balikpapan city government itself enter the protected forest Wain river into the zone A in the division of tourism zones. Zone A consists of Sungai Wain Protected Forest area, Area Shipwrecks Marine Park Hang Tuah and the Port of Balikpapan. Sungai Wain Protected Forest Area as the dominant eco-tourism area which has a classification of the types of activities and facilities are limited, this is based on consideration of:
  1. Forest is the Forest Protected Areas that need to be maintained and sustained preservation of ecosystem. 
  2. Condition of protected forest area has been very memperihatinkan result of forest fires, poaching of animals, illegal logging and forest encroachment.
  3. Area of ​​primary forest shrinking and less than half the total area, while forest area encroached upon burning and expanding every year
  4. Burned forest conditions that have not recovered completely

To enter our protected forests should be escorted by officers because its path is not clear and many wild animals. According to the officer whom I met (Mr. Raswin) in the woods there are still wild animals such as crocodiles, bears, snakes, monkeys, and orangutans. Setahunan ago, the officer never told me there are grandmothers who eat crocodile. Still according to the officer earlier, some wild animal had been placed a tracking device so when there are researchers who go into the forest can be monitored by radio so as not to meet with wild animals in the path.

Concerns other than officers because of the many wild animals that still exist in the forests, as well as many many quality gaharu trees in the forest which is very high economic value. Just imagine, 1 kg of high-quality gaharu resin can be valued 20 million dollars. So officials are also worried there will be theft of aloe.

Last year I could still read the reportage of visitors who can enter into the jungle with ease, even photos around the area of
​​the lake basin, but for now it seems difficult for visitors who do not have special permission. But for me this is not the problem can not go into the woods and the pictures in the lake basin since IMHO exoticism / beauty of the protected forest that is still far away to other places in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.

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