Friday, July 8, 2011

Sundak, Rock Hill Valley Beach

Sundak coast and the environment was quite amazing. a rehearsal of white sand and crystal clear sea water. walk from the beach into the sea is relatively shallow up to 30 meters and found rocks into little rocks lined up and hiding-marine biota is tiny. 

There were hills and limestone rocks on the north coast with a height of about 12 meters. underlie the beach and add to the elegance of natural charm Sundak Coast region. In one of these hills there are rock caves, in which there are wells of fresh water into the fountain. 

Along the beach decorated trees that make the cool sea breeze around the coast. In the afternoon, from beneath the trees, can enjoy the beautiful sunset in the horizon of the Indian Ocean. 

Sundak beaches are in one area with most attractions on the coast of Gunungkidul. Several other beaches are located adjacent to the beach Sundak are: Baron Beach, Beach Krakal, Kukup Beach, Beach Drini, and along the coast.

According to legend, the beach is going battle between a dog and a hedgehog. The fight occurred because of a dog being starved by chance met a porcupine. The hedgehog then chased and eventually fall prey to hungry dogs earlier. so the beach is called Sundak. Sundak is a blend of word asu (dog) and landak (hedgehogs).

The beach is fairly clean surroundings and well maintained is still managed by local people. Sundak beach entrance in the village of Sidoharjo, District Tepus, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. This beach can be reached by land vehicles from Yogyakarta Gunungkidul, Wonosari for 1 hour, then continued toward the beach Baron or Krakal 40 minutes-1 hour

On the beach there is no lodging Sundak but, at some beaches on the west coast Sundak, namely Kukup Beach, Beach Krakal, or Baron Beach there is a simple inn or rent a home stay accommodation in the surrounding region. In addition, there are also shops eat flavored fish dishes. Small shops that lined the beachfront offers seafood dishes of local fishermen.

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