Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Triton Bay

West Papua is one of porvinsi in Indonesia the which has a Tremendous wealth of the sea. One potential sea That can be used as Tourist Attractions found in Kaimana district. Behind the simplicity and hospitality of the people, in the which the district has an area of ​​18.500 km2, there is a tourist area of ​​sea known as the Bay of Triton.
Triton Bay is a new tourist potential in Kaimana. To develop it into an international tourist destination, local Governments (LGS) took the local Conservation International Indonesia (CII) to jointly develop the tourism potential That is owned by Triton Bay.
Like other territorial waters of Papua Islands, Bay of Triton offers the incredible beauty of the underwater. The bay is store of wealth in the form of fish and coral reefs are diverse. In this area, there are 937 species of fish, where 14-16 of Them, a new species.There are also 492 species of Corals That Six of Whom is also a new type.
Besides watching the marine wealth, visitors Will also be fascinated by the existence of Dolphins and whales, a crowded playing in the between the islands Scattered around Triton.
Amazed visitors Will not stop at the beauty of the waters of the Gulf of Triton alone. Because, in the Mai-Mai village, visitors can see a painting on Limestone Cliffs as high as TENS of meters. Red lines are etched on the wall They form a human motif, plants, Reptiles, fish, and Various forms is still a mystery. This painting, as if to tell you about the behavior of the ancient indigenous people and also illustrates the variety of animals at the time. Until now, no one knows for sure, Pls and WHO mengguratkan That murals stand upright on a small island, Triton Bay area. However, the Department of Tourism and Culture Kaimana Ensure That the painting is a Relic of mesolitikum.

District Kaimana, West Papua Province, Indonesia.

Towards Kaimana district can use the ferry from Jakarta with travel time During the five-day trip. Water access can be completed in about 8 hours to 10 hours. Arriving in the capital city Kaiman, visitors can continue the journey to the Gulf of Triton with Kaimana speedboat owned by local government, or owned by residents around the longboat. Long journey by ship, the fastest takes about 45 minutes, Depending on the weather.

Ticket prices
To enter this area, visitors are not charged admission. However, visitors must first Obtain permission from the Department of Education and Tourism or the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources. In Addition, visitors also must coordinate first with the CII to be introduced to traditional leaders or local community. Thus, at the site, visitors are not driven by Them.

Accommodation and Other Facilities
Triton in the Gulf region, there are three custom-based vacation home That is quite unique. Unique Because They are made with wood, not least the walls That take the main ingredient bark.Compiler framework and walls of the house does not use nails or other metal materials, but in Airways or Certain techniques based on local skills passed down by Their Ancestors

1 comment:

  1. I want to go but I dont know where to stay.. sleep.. eat...can you help me ?
