Saturday, July 23, 2011

Likupang Beach

Likupang beach is a fairly well-known tourist area in North Sulawesi. White sand, green hills, and marine parks are a handful of much beauty to offer this beach. As a tourist attraction, Cote Likupang equipped with five-star hotel facilities. The beach is located in District Likupang Likupang, North Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Located 48 kilometers northeast city of Manado.

Every holiday season arrives, this beach will be visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Enjoying the warm sun and beach sports are some fun activities at the Beach Likupang. In addition, you also can dive or snorkel to enjoy the beauty of underwater life. If you want to further enjoy the beauty of this region, you can cross to the island of Bangka, a beautiful small island, with motorized boats. Only about 30 minutes to reach the island.

This beach area has a wealth of flora and fauna, even the rare fauna. Year 2007 ago, a fisherman in Likupang makes a scene investigators. He found a green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Green turtle is an endangered sea turtle species whose population is very rare in any hemisphere. The discovery proves that the beach is an environment that Likupang awake. Indeed, your eyes will disejukkan with white sand, green unspoiled forests, hills, and spectacular marine park.

Likupang beach is equipped with four-star hotel facilities, the Paradise Hotel & Resort stands majestically near the coast. There is also a restaurant that serves a variety of foods typical of North Sulawesi, food archipelago, or western food. Likupang beach can be easily reached from Manado. You can use the public transport from Terminal 2 at Manado Paal. Especially if you use the services of travel, this beach will be more accessible.

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