Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fort Belgica, The Pentagon Fortress in Maluku

Fort Belgica, the fortress built by the Portuguese but later occupied by the Dutch in the 17th century.
The fort is located on the hills in the southwest Tabaleku Naira Island and is situated at a height of 30.01 meters above sea level.The fortress was built in 1611 under the leadership of Governor-General Pieter Both have some uniqueness. Built in the style of five square building located on a hill, but when seen from all directions undoubtedly be seen only 4 pieces of hand, but when viewed from the air looks like a square or a star similar to the Pentagon in the United States. In fact, the fort was dubbed The Indonesian Pentagon. Construction of the fort consists of two layers of buildings and must use a ladder to enter the original form of the steps that can be raised (sort of hydraulic ladder). In the center of the fortress there is a wide open space for the prisoners. In the middle of the open space there are two wells secret that supposedly connects the fort to the harbor and Fort Nassau is located on the waterfront.
This fort is actually one of the first Portuguese forts serves as a center of defense, but in the Dutch colonial period, Fort Belgica switch function to monitor traffic merchant ship. The fort was later enlarged in 1622 by JP Coen. Then, in 1667 expanded further by Commissioner Cornelis Speelman. In 1911 the Governor-General van Limburg Craft Stirum ordered that the fort was restored. This fort became the headquarters of the Dutch military until 1860.

On each side of the castle there is a tower. To get to the top of the tower are stairs with almost upright position and out of the narrow hole. From the top of this tower, tourists can enjoy a panoramic view of a portion of the Banda Islands, ranging from the blue waters of the Gulf of Banda, the sunset, the towering peak of Gunung Api, until thick nutmeg trees on the island of Banda Besar.Take a walk around the fort is a very pleasant atmosphere of the colonial period, picturing old days.

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