Friday, August 19, 2011

Amazing Rainbow on The Telun Berasap Waterfall

Wow ... finally after hundreds of children down the stairs, I got too. Happy and beautiful views of waterfalls here. Has long wanted this region, curious. He said a large waterfall and rapids. Yes it's true, that's a smoky waterfall. Because it is so swift, the grains of the waterfall to be like fog. That is why, this waterfall called Niagara Smoky.
Waterfall Telun Berasap is nature tourism in Kerinci, Jambi. Apparently the waterfall is the source of rivers that disgorge at Lake Mount Seven.
Behind the waterfall, there is a cave. But apparently no one would dare go into the cave, because its location is very difficult to pass.
But it can not be denied, the scenery is stunning. When I get there, the weather is good-good, so that droplets of water vapor formed from beautiful colored water mist when the sun's shining. The color is a colorful, even I had experienced a ring-shaped rainbow
... thats amazing ...

Behind the Waterfall Telun Berasap, there is a cave. Local people do not dare enter the cave because the terrain is so difficult to pass. Waterfalls are very heavy with a high cliff, causing the cave has never been visited by the public as well as tourists visiting the Falls attraction Telun Berasap.
Waterfalls Telun Barasap splendid views, with a torrential flow of water so as to form a soft splashing water like a white smoke or also known as water mist. Droplets of water vapor formed from the beautiful colored mist of water when exposed to sunlight by reflecting a light sheen colorful.
The waterfall is located in the Village Telun Berasap, District Kayu Aro, Kerinci, Jambi Province, Indonesia.
Location can be reached by landline to the three alternatives. First, the journey starts from Jambi City to the River Overflowing with a distance of about 500 km, while the latency for about 10 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.
Secondly, the trip can be started from Padang to Tapan then proceed to the river Filled with a distance of 278 km. Travel time taken for about seven hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.
Third, the journey started from Padang to Muaralabuh, then proceed to grit Tuo. The distance from the town of Padang to the scene about 211 miles and can be reached in about 5-6 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.

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