Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mangkunegaran Palace

Solo has many places other than culinary, also save the history and left a lot of historic buildings, and one of them is the Palace Mangkunegaran. Loss felt if we take a stroll to the city of Solo, but not stop or just passing in front of the Palace Mangkunegaran. Because when we see the shape of the building can imagine how grand and honorable Palace was in ancient times, even on this very day of pomp and dignity are still very guarded.

Puro Mangkunegaran built in 1757, the Treaty of Salatiga, who initiated the establishment of Praja Mangkunegaran and held talks two years after which it divides government Giyanti Java became the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta Kasunanan. Surakarta kingdom apart after Raden Mas Said revolt and the support sunan establish their own kingdom. Raden Mas Said Mangkoenagoro I wear the title and establish territories on the west bank of the river pepe in the city center which is now named Solo. 

Like the main building in the palace of Surakarta and Yogyakarta palace, Puro Mangkunegaran experienced some changes during the peak period of Dutch colonial rule in Central Java. These changes appear on a popular feature European decor that time.

Puro Mangkunegaran which was originally called the place of residence rather than the prince's palace, was built following the model of the palace but its smaller. The building has architectural features in common with the court, namely the pamedan, pavilion, pringgitan, dalem, and kaputran, which is entirely surrounded by a solid wall. 

Section Palace Mangkunegaran
Once the main gate opened pamedan behold, the field training soldiers Mangkunegaran troops. Former central cavalry, cavalry building is on the east pamedan. The second gate to the courtyard in the Great Hall where the establishment of the size of 3500 square meters. Pavilion that can accommodate five to ten thousand people, for years regarded as the largest hall in Indonesia. Wooden pillars supporting the roof-shaped square joglo taken from trees growing in forests in the hills Mangkunegaran Wonogiri. The entire building was established without using nails.In this hall there are four sets of gamelan, one used routinely and the other three are used at special events. But the Great hall now requires special attention, given that some parts have been mengeropos due to weathering processes. On the west side of the pavilion, looks a few foundations have supported its roof bamboo buffer.

On the west side of Puro Mangkunegaran, the condition of other historic buildings, too. Panti Putro, for example. In ancient times, this building is where the future king / prince "secluded" ahead of Aqil baliq (adult) and bearing the title. Here and there, especially the main building, starting in disarray and no longer possible inhabited. The lack of maintenance funds to make the primary school "Siswo" which was famous in there now switch functions as an inventory storage warehouse Mangkunegaran.

Yellow and green colors dominate the color of the marquee is pari anom (young rice) colors typical Mangkunegaran family. Ornate ceiling light-colored marquee astrology symbolizes Hindu-Javanese and the ceiling was hanging rows of antique chandeliers.

Place behind the pavilion there is an open veranda, which is named pringgitan, which has stairs to the Dalem Ageng, a space of 1000 square meters, which is traditionally a royal wedding bedroom, sekarng serves as a museum. Besides showing off petanen (dwelling place Dewi Sri) which plated woven silk, which became the center of attention of visitors, the museum is also showing off jewelry, weapons, clothing, medals, equipment puppets, coins, pictures of kings and
Mangkunegaran objets d'art.

In the middle of Puro Mangkunegaran behind Dalem Ageng, there Mangkunegaran family residence. This place, which still has a quiet atmosphere is like at a country house owned by the nobles, now used by the royal family. Overlooking the park is open Home Dalem, the angle of eight, where there are candles and beautiful European furniture.

Remnants that are still evident today is the library which was founded in 1867 by Mangkoenagoro IV.

SP. Mangkoenagoro I (February 24, 1757 - December 28, 1795)
SP. Mangkoenagoro II (December 28, 1795 - January 26, 1835) 
SP. Mangkoenagoro III (January 26, 1835 - January 6, 1853) 
SP. Mangkoenagoro IV (March 25, 1853 - September 2, 1881)
SP. Mangkoenagoro V (2 Sep1881 - October 2, 1896)
SP. Mangkoenagoro VI (October 2, 1896 - January 11, 1916) 
SP. Mangkoenagoro VII (January 11, 1916 - July 19, 1944)
SP. Mangkoenagoro VIII (July 19, 1944 - September 3, 1987) 
SP. Mangkoenagoro IX (September 3, 1987 - present)

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