Thursday, March 10, 2011

Telaga Puteri Tujuh Warna, The Seven Color Hot Spring

Of the dozens of attractions in the province of Bengkulu, Telaga Puteri Tujuh Warna (The Seven Colors Hot Spring) is the most unique place so that as one objects andalan. This resort existing pool of seven different water colors, namely blue, red, brown, black, white, gray, and pink.

Lake Prince is located in the Village Seven Color Rimbo highwayman, Cold Water, Rejang Lebong border with Lebong District. Area Princess Seven Color Lake location is estimated at 50 hectares with the distance 20 km from downtown Curup, the capital of the Rejang Lebong, or about 120 km from Airport Fatmawati, Bengkulu City.

To reach the site, the tourists have to travel by foot via the trail more or less two hours away. The tourist attraction has not been publicized and there is no management, despite being very nice and has a uniqueness that has a seven-color water.

Along the road to the location of the fields can be encountered in the population field, a verdant tropical rain forests, and hills that line of march lay far, angle landscapes can still be enjoyed in the region Rimbo highwayman. Inhaling the fresh air free from pollution and enjoy the beauty of local flora and fauna of land Rejang. In the journey on foot, splashing the clear water flow can be met as a small spring that flows around the path to the location, decent reliever medication for tired when walking, let alone washing face will feel invigorating full body sweat because it walk away.

Lake consists of a large lake with a diameter of about 50m color: Blue, red, white, and gray
And a small lake in the vicinity of a large lake that color: yellow, brown, and black

Hem we first arrived in the location that we are witnessing is a blue lake. Blue lake is a pool of natural hot springs (hot springs) are quite large, about 10 m in diameter, and several small ponds in the vicinity. Around the lake in Blue will find a collection of small lake (natural pool), a yellow, black and brown. From the blue lake we'll find by walking about 200 meters to find the location of the red lake. Journey toward a red pond, we can find a small river of red, forest flora in addition to the trees also in the dominance of ferns and pandanus-pandanan, and there is lots of moss vegetation on tropis.Selanjutnya wet forest, is about 500 meters from the lake red (enough too far for walking distance) we will find the lake - gray.The journey to this small lake should be careful because down the cliff. Telaga - gray is only about 4 meters in diameter.

Walk as far as 500 meters again, we will find the main lake (at large) is a white lake, with a width of about 50 meters long and 100 meters. From here we could see the sky freely, because the trip before the sky is covered by the thick leaves pepohonan.Asal Puteri Seven Colors lake name is said in the largest lake of white lake forbidden to mention the word daughter, in trust if the word princess then bursts of eye defecating in the middle of the lake will be even greater, therefore the lake named Puteri Seven Colors.

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